Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wee Little Dog (Not!)

We just got back from our night time walk. There has been a few serious attacks near our house in the last few weeks. Both of us are enjoying the outings, but since Snicker dog is watching from above... Linda has started carrying a weapon. Even though she is a 3rd degree black belt, I think it is a good idea she is prepared to save me in the event a bad man comes up to us. We have been talking about what kind of friend to adopt to keep me company and I think we are leaning towards a REALLY BIG DOG. Linda will take me to the shelter to make sure whoever we pick will love me and be gentle. Maybe we can find a dog like the one in this photo. He is so big I could probably sleep on his paw. I am a pretty good watch dog even if I am under 5 pounds. The other night when someone broke into her car, I barked and barked to warn her, but she just told me to "put a lid on it and stop yapping!" Now she listens to me and when I bark for no reason, she investigates.